March 2009 Monthly Archive
Is A Brain Glitch To Blame For Financial Crisis?
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"Is A Brain Glitch To Blame For Financial Crisis?" ››

To The Brain, God Is Just Another Guy
The most important question about any scientific study, that must be answered before any others are asked:
What do they want to be true?
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"To The Brain, God Is Just Another Guy" ››

What Happens To Fake Studies?
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"What Happens To Fake Studies?" ››

Reality Responds To The Matrix
And it says, time's up.
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"Reality Responds To The Matrix" ››

Are Schools Breeding Narcissism?
The guitarist for Third Eye Blind was on MTV Cribs, showing off his house. He picks up a guitar and says, "this is my favorite guitar. With this guitar, the songs just write themselves." Yeah, sure. Blame the guitar.
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"Are Schools Breeding Narcissism?" ››

When Lilly Pays Out $800M, Where Does That Money Go?
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"When Lilly Pays Out $800M, Where Does That Money Go?" ››

What Was The Matrix?
What are you telling me, that I can dodge bullets?
I'm telling you that when you're ready, you won't have to.
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"What Was The Matrix?" ››

Biology Is Destiny
Question: does life begin at conception? Why, or why not?
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"Biology Is Destiny" ››

The Special Circumstance Which Causes The Wisdom Of Crowds To Fail
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"The Special Circumstance Which Causes The Wisdom Of Crowds To Fail" ››

Impulsivity In Kindergarten (Does Not) Predict Future Gambling
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"Impulsivity In Kindergarten (Does Not) Predict Future Gambling" ››

Good Game, America
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