August 2009 Monthly Archive
August 29, 2009
District 9
The only thing I learned from two viewings of this movie is that South Africa is the stupidest person in the world.
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August 26, 2009
Michael Jackson Died Of Overdose
But the question is, an overdose of what?
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August 17, 2009
Why Did George Sodini Shoot Women?
Assuming his log was actually written by him, here is my best attempt at using it to answer the obvious questions.
Disclaimer: I never met him, didn't do an evaluation of him, etc. Basing this entirely on the log.
Disclaimer: I never met him, didn't do an evaluation of him, etc. Basing this entirely on the log.
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August 13, 2009
LA Fitness Shooter George Sodini Did Not Kill Because He Was A Misogynist
all of this has happened before and it will happen again
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August 3, 2009
The Best Way To Improve Your Creativity

Moving only three circles, make the overall triangle point downward.
Spend a few minutes on it before reading the hint.
Hint: this is part of a psych test developed by University of Texas students enrolled in a study abroad program in China.
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