September 2009 Monthly Archive
Is More Regulation Needed?
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"Is More Regulation Needed?" ››

Jay-Z Is A Genius
Q: What do the three red lines mean? A: Wrong.
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"Jay-Z Is A Genius" ››

Will The Suicide Rate Change As The Population Ages?

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"Will The Suicide Rate Change As The Population Ages?" ››

As The Population Ages, Will Suicides Increase?
Don't bet your life on it.
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"As The Population Ages, Will Suicides Increase?" ››

Kanye West And The Video Music Awards
Jay-Z Gives Ten Reasons Why Pop Culture Authenticity Is Real Only If It's Fake On Purpose
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"Jay-Z Gives Ten Reasons Why Pop Culture Authenticity Is Real Only If It's Fake On Purpose" ››

"Are there really so many people with such troubles in your country to make such medicine such an important matter?"

"I'm from Europe, speak about a medicine intended to declare/sell that medicine as "mood stabilizer"... However, are there really so many people with such troubles in your country to make such medicine such an important matter? I didn't think of America as being such a sad/depressed country and a medicine called "mood" something seems to me such a stretch..."
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""Are there really so many people with such troubles in your country to make such medicine such an important matter?"" ››

Unpublished Lamictal Studies Left Us Thinking It Was An Antidepressant
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"Unpublished Lamictal Studies Left Us Thinking It Was An Antidepressant" ››

District 9 Now Elsewhere
This Onion Clip Is Hilarious; Now Let Me Tell You Why It's Scary
"This is our future," wrote the linking email. McLuhan wrote The Medium Is The Message but due to a printing error, it came out Massage. Proving his point.
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"This Onion Clip Is Hilarious; Now Let Me Tell You Why It's Scary" ››

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