Who Can Know How Much Randi Zuckerberg Is Worth?
cue hatred
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The Dove Sketches Beauty Scam

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"The Dove Sketches Beauty Scam" ››

Don't Hate Her Because She's Successful

and the first thing I noticed is she's covering her wedding ring
this is why you are anxious and I am Alone
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"Don't Hate Her Because She's Successful" ››

No Self-Respecting Woman Would Go Out Without Make Up

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"No Self-Respecting Woman Would Go Out Without Make Up" ››

Product Review: Panasonic PT AX200U (Hipsters On Food Stamps Part 3)

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"Product Review: Panasonic PT AX200U (Hipsters On Food Stamps Part 3)" ››

Hipsters On Food Stamps, Part 2

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"Hipsters On Food Stamps, Part 2" ››

Hipsters On Food Stamps, Part 1
Who's Afraid Of Lil Wayne?
The Second Story Of Echo And Narcissus - Audio

Buy Now-- mp3 format
Buy Now-- m4a format
m4a for Apple products, everyone else mp3 unless you know what you're doing.
18 minute story. $2.00. After you pay, you'll receive an email with a link to the download.
In a few months I will make this into a free video, and I will post the free text of the audio as well. So it's up to you whether you value... whatever this site is.
Don't tell me I shouldn't use a Blackberry mic. I know that now.

Amy Schumer Offers You A Look Into Your Soul
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"Amy Schumer Offers You A Look Into Your Soul" ››

Why We Love Sociopaths
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"Why We Love Sociopaths" ››

Shame Is The Desired Outcome
The Father That Shot His Daughter's Computer
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"The Father That Shot His Daughter's Computer" ››

"My fiancee is pushing me away and I've lost hope"

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""My fiancee is pushing me away and I've lost hope"" ››

Another Honor Killing That Isn't About Honor, And Even Less About Nietzsche

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"Another Honor Killing That Isn't About Honor, And Even Less About Nietzsche" ››

What Would You Do If Your Fiancee Rejected The Ring As Not Good Enough?

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"What Would You Do If Your Fiancee Rejected The Ring As Not Good Enough?" ››

Couple Reveals Child's Gender Five Years Too Late

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"Couple Reveals Child's Gender Five Years Too Late" ››

Penelope Trunk, Abuser
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"Penelope Trunk, Abuser" ››

If You Liked The Descendants, You Are A Terrible Person

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"If You Liked The Descendants, You Are A Terrible Person" ››

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