January 2008 Monthly Archive
Three Vignettes You Won't Understand Until I Explain Them, And Then It Will Be Too Late
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"Three Vignettes You Won't Understand Until I Explain Them, And Then It Will Be Too Late" ››

A Quick Word On Google
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"A Quick Word On Google" ››

You Can Have Your License Revoked For That?
And then we all have a big problem.
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"You Can Have Your License Revoked For That?" ››

Sometimes The Question Is Worse Than Any Answer
A Study Finds Antidepressants Don't Work, And Suddenly It's October 25
ABC News, and others, report that the NEJM study found that antidepressants "may be duds."
Climb on the bandwagon, my bolsheviks, no brakes, no driver, let us see where it takes us.
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"A Study Finds Antidepressants Don't Work, And Suddenly It's October 25" ››

Are Drug Companies Hiding Negative Studies?
Let's skip right to the punching.
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"Are Drug Companies Hiding Negative Studies?" ››

Raising Wine Prices Makes Wine Taste Better
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"Raising Wine Prices Makes Wine Taste Better" ››

Do Narcissists Get Abortions?
I Go To Germany For A Week, And The Country Implodes
And by implodes, I mean that the government herds us into recession and into psych clinics.
Today Secretary Paulson says he doesn't want to rush into more rate cuts-- or any economic stimulus. "Thoughtful" and "patience."
I guess surgeons can be thoughtful and patient, too, when they're doing, say, breast augmentation. But when the spleen and the pancreas both have grenade fragments in them, well, get cutting, Doc.
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"I Go To Germany For A Week, And The Country Implodes" ››

Hey! We Just Now Invented A Cocaine Vaccine 9 Years Ago
Ah, what science really needs is a Madison Avenue publicist.
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"Hey! We Just Now Invented A Cocaine Vaccine 9 Years Ago" ››

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