December 2008 Monthly Archive
What Happens To An Action Hero When We Grow Up?
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"What Happens To An Action Hero When We Grow Up?" ››

Heidi's Real Problem On The Hills: She's In The Wrong Movie
They were right.
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"Heidi's Real Problem On The Hills: She's In The Wrong Movie" ››

The Writers of Fool's Gold Get One Thing Right
In an otherwise unwatchable movie, a surprisingly insightful 5 seconds.
Matthew McConaughey plays a sunken treasure hunter and an idiot. The bad guy treasure hunter confronts McConaughey's partner, who is only incidentally in the movie.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't the Ukrainian sidekick."
"I don't tink of myself dat way," says the partner, whose name I don't think we ever learn. "I am dee lead character in my own story."
Right on, man. Right on.

Major Depression is Major Depression, Until Proven Otherwise
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"Major Depression is Major Depression, Until Proven Otherwise" ››

Is Internet Addiction Really An Addiction?
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"Is Internet Addiction Really An Addiction?" ››

Self-Embedding Syndrome: What's Going On In Ohio?

A poster presented at the Radiological Society Of North America. Self-embedding syndrome: adolescents embed foreign bodies into their arms, hands, etc. In this x-ray, she's embedded 8 pieces of metal into her arm.
What caught my eye were two things: first, even though this is an old problem, the authors say this is the first study on this, suggesting that it's on the rise (enough for radiologists to notice.) Second, that it happened in Ohio-- which was, along with Indiana, was responsible for half of the youth suicide increase in 2007.

Should Hubris Be In The DSM-V?
Certain psychiatrists carry considerable weight in determining the policy, the spirit, of psychiatry. Henry Nasrallah is one of those men, which is why, if you see him write an editorial called, "Should psychiatry list hubris in the DSM-V?" -- especially if it is tongue-in-cheek--- you should strike yourself in the head with a brick until you are unconscious. You are about to be manipulated with words, and then it will be too late.
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"Should Hubris Be In The DSM-V?" ››

Is An Hourglass Figure The Ideal? Only If You're Weak And Stupid
I may have my own sexual preferences, and they may or may not involve rum and the high seas, but I know a political agenda masquerading as a journal publication when I see one.
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"Is An Hourglass Figure The Ideal? Only If You're Weak And Stupid" ››

If You're Reading It, It's For You?
I came across an odd ad in one of the psych journals.
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"If You're Reading It, It's For You?" ››

1 In 5 Cars Has A Personality Disorder
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"1 In 5 Cars Has A Personality Disorder" ››

The British Model Of Cost Effectiveness Fails On Philosophy
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"The British Model Of Cost Effectiveness Fails On Philosophy" ››

Psychopaths Are Charming?
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"Psychopaths Are Charming?" ››

Off Label Prescribing Turns Out To Be On Label
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"Off Label Prescribing Turns Out To Be On Label" ››

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