January 2009 Monthly Archive
January 29, 2009
Wrong About Obama
The most dangerous case of buyer's remorse in history.
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January 26, 2009
Can Narcissism Be Cured?
January 20, 2009
God's Cheat Code For Accuracy
One reason why not having fixed and predetermined identities may be useful to us.
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January 19, 2009
DSM-V Controversies

If the front page of Psychiatric Times ran a story called DSM-V Controversies, and it contained this picture, what would you think the article would be about?
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"DSM-V Controversies" ››

January 15, 2009
Another Round Of The Ultimatum Game
Let's see if it's fair this time.
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"Another Round Of The Ultimatum Game" ››

January 14, 2009
Treating Insomnia With Less
A grog of rum and an issue of The Economist should handle any sleep problems you may have. But, if you're one of those who think drinking alcohol is wrong but drinking psychiatric medications is right, then this is for you.
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"Treating Insomnia With Less" ››

January 9, 2009
The Chart Is Dead, Long Live The Chart
January 8, 2009
The Enemies Of Promise Guard The Road To Success
Those enemies would be you yourself.
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"The Enemies Of Promise Guard The Road To Success" ››

January 6, 2009
The Ultimatum Game Is A Trap
Evolutionary psychology, at a newstand near you.
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"The Ultimatum Game Is A Trap" ››

January 1, 2009
Can A Patient Postpone Their Own Death?
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