June 2009 Monthly Archive
Bait And Switch: Surveillance Movie Review

I saw the movie Surveillance.
As bad as it was, the movie wasn't the problem. The problem was the trick they used to get me to see it.
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"Bait And Switch: Surveillance Movie Review" ››

It's Either Narcissism Or Dementia
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"It's Either Narcissism Or Dementia" ››

Why Do Politicians Cheat?
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"Why Do Politicians Cheat?" ››

It's Not A Lie If It's True
Radio Host Has Drug Company Ties
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"Radio Host Has Drug Company Ties " ››

Where Did The Title Come From?
I'm sure you've read The Catcher In The Rye. Why is it called that?
And a few more that came to mind.
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"Where Did The Title Come From?" ››

Children With ADHD Drugs Score Higher on Tests
CHICAGO - Children on medicine for attention deficit disorder scored higher on academic tests than their unmedicated peers in the first large, long-term study suggesting this kind of benefit from the widely used drugs.
Wow. WOW. I get more actionable information from porn.
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"Children With ADHD Drugs Score Higher on Tests" ››

Most Common Cause Of Bankruptcy Is Catastrophic Medical Bills
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"Most Common Cause Of Bankruptcy Is Catastrophic Medical Bills" ››

Delaying Gratification Is Easy If You Don't Try
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"Delaying Gratification Is Easy If You Don't Try" ››

They're Going To Get Paid No Matter What
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"They're Going To Get Paid No Matter What" ››

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