February 2012 Monthly Archive
February 22, 2012
The Father That Shot His Daughter's Computer
it succeeded
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"The Father That Shot His Daughter's Computer" ››

February 10, 2012
"My fiancee is pushing me away and I've lost hope"

my advice can't be worse than his
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""My fiancee is pushing me away and I've lost hope"" ››

February 7, 2012
Pedophilia Is Normal, Because Otherwise It's Abnormal

i ain't going out like that
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"Pedophilia Is Normal, Because Otherwise It's Abnormal" ››

February 3, 2012
Another Honor Killing That Isn't About Honor, And Even Less About Nietzsche

what a shame
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"Another Honor Killing That Isn't About Honor, And Even Less About Nietzsche" ››

February 1, 2012
What Would You Do If Your Fiance Gave You a Ring That Wasn't Good Enough?

lawyers are standing by
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"What Would You Do If Your Fiance Gave You a Ring That Wasn't Good Enough?" ››

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