Movies, TV, and Books
The Hunger Games Is A Sexist Fairy Tale. Sorry.

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"The Hunger Games Is A Sexist Fairy Tale. Sorry." ››

What's Wrong With The Hunger Games Is What No One Noticed

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"What's Wrong With The Hunger Games Is What No One Noticed" ››

Shame Is The Desired Outcome
Short Film: Bad At Math
I wrote a short story called Bad At Math, about me vs. gun vs. Xanax, and Henrique Cartaxo asked if he could use the idea for a short film.
Some differences: my bad guy was taller, the room was smaller, and my drink was WAY bigger.
Also, a follow up.

If You Liked The Descendants, You Are A Terrible Person

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"If You Liked The Descendants, You Are A Terrible Person" ››

The Contagion Is The Solution

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"The Contagion Is The Solution" ››

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"Crazy" ››

My name is NotMichaelBay, and I just fucked your girlfriend
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"My name is NotMichaelBay, and I just fucked your girlfriend" ››

Is The Cult Of Self-Esteem Ruining Our Kids?

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"Is The Cult Of Self-Esteem Ruining Our Kids?" ››

If this blog were a book you would give to someone else, what posts would you want in it?
The posts would be reworked, sent to an editor, etc.
What I'm looking for aren't necessarily people's favorite posts, or posts that hold up best over time. I'm looking for those posts you wish you could send to someone else, except that they don't read blogs.
Submit your suggestions any way you'd like (twitter, fb, comments here, email).
Thanks for helping me with this.

An Education

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"An Education" ››

Hop, With Russell Brand: A Life Lesson For 4 Year Olds
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"Hop, With Russell Brand: A Life Lesson For 4 Year Olds" ››

March 13 Week on Partial Objects
All The News That's Fit To Compartmentalize
Physics Envy Can Be Hazardous To Your Health
Amy Bishop Didn't Snap
Simulating The Simulated Experience. With Gum
Looking for others to post their own deconstructions!

The Black Swan Movie Review Criminal Attorneys And Hollywood Don't Want You To Read
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"The Black Swan Movie Review Criminal Attorneys And Hollywood Don't Want You To Read" ››

The Walking Dead: Not About Zombies
Guess What Is Unstoppable: Movie Review
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"Guess What Is Unstoppable: Movie Review" ››

Charlie Sheen Has An Awesome Experience, This Time With Drugs and A Hooker, Which Was The Same As Last Time

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"Charlie Sheen Has An Awesome Experience, This Time With Drugs and A Hooker, Which Was The Same As Last Time" ››

Catfish: The Real Danger Of Social Media
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"Catfish: The Real Danger Of Social Media" ››

The Legend Of Steven Colbert
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"The Legend Of Steven Colbert" ››

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