August 2008 Monthly Archive
A Solution To The Pharma Problem
The problem so far is all arguments against Pharma (prices too high; no interest in making meds people need; no interest in cures, only maintenance treatments, etc, etc) fail because they are ethical arguments.
The problem and solution require our reluctant acceptance that the problem is an economic one, and only economics will solve it.
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What Happens If Pharmaceutical Marketing Disappears? Part 1
Everyone (including me) thinks Pharma is too heavily involved with the practice of medicine. So we try to think of ways to stop this. Restrict gifts and consultant fees to doctors; decrease, or at least separate, industry funding from research; and, of course, no more reps in doctors' offices.
These all sound like great ideas, how could you even come up with an argument against any of them?
Here goes.
As a bonus, I even offer a practical long term solution.
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If You're Watching, It's For You
On the Late, Late Show With Craig Ferguson, a joke about "man-ginas," a few drug/DUI references, a Kristy Ally fat joke ("uses her swimming pool to cook spaghetti") and a homosexual reference.
And I think about how TV has changed, things unimaginable 20 years ago are routine now. I guess they'll do anything to get the coveted youth demographic.
And then I think, wait a second...
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Ara Abrahamian Wins Award For Medal Toss, Saved By Passport

Between 1am and 9am, a previous 2 paragraph version of this post managed to offend Swedes, Armenians, wrestlers, the Olympics, bronze medals and mats.
In the interest of completeness, I will this time include the French.
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"Ara Abrahamian Wins Award For Medal Toss, Saved By Passport" ››

Seroquel For Bipolar Maintenance
A brief history of the past decade.
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Drug Reps From Congress To Detail Doctors
Oh, my God, I hope you're lying down for this.
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"Drug Reps From Congress To Detail Doctors" ››

A Trip You May Have Taken
He pulls over at the curb. All the shades are pulled down, the house looks dead. The house-- shack-- is on the beach.
He gets out of the car.
"Tracy," he calls out, expecting nothing.
He walks to the screen door. It's locked, but the inside door is wide open. He smells pot, and something that is not pot, and something that is feces. He has never seen this place, yet it is, somehow, exactly as he imagined it would be. It is also worse.
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The Hidden Zero Effect
$5 today or $10 in a year.
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Craig Ferguson, The Jonas Brothers, and Katy Perry
This is what 46 year old Scottish late night TV host Craig Ferguson said Tuesday night:
The Jonas Brothers... I'm sure they're fine young kids, and their music's not for me, it's for young people, I understand that, but my point is-- they're kind of too clean. With the purity rings, symbolizing that you're saving yourself for marriage. Now, I'm thinking-- what kind of a rock star is this? What kind of a rock star is this?...
It makes me a little uncomfortable, it's a little sinister to me, when the teenage rebellion is controlled and sanitized by a big corporation. There has to be some rebellion, or else it's not rock and roll.
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A Little Bird Told Me
1. McCain may drop out of the race-- running mate Romney to continue?
2. Oil prices were pushed higher (Iran/Israel tensions, etc) by a concerted government effort to generate oil revenues for Iraq, promote greater stability so as to allow partial withdrawal of troops before election; and a subsequent reduction of oil prices to erase them as a campaign issue. Both Iran and Israel were in on the plan.
Tin foil hat stuff, but thought I'd put it out there.

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