April 2009 Monthly Archive
Where Are They Now?
how the mighty have fallen...
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Written Authority For Standard Of Care
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"Written Authority For Standard Of Care" ››

What Should Count As A Disease?
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"What Should Count As A Disease?" ››

Yeah, Well, Cry Me A River
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"Yeah, Well, Cry Me A River" ››

The Woman Who Can't Forget Is Awesome Because She Can Forget
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"The Woman Who Can't Forget Is Awesome Because She Can Forget" ››

Cinco de Mayo Is Not Mexican Independence Day
In 1861, Mexico ceased making interest payments to its main creditors. In response, in late 1861, France (and other European countries) attacked Mexico to try to force payment of this debt. France decided that it would try to take over and occupy Mexico.
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"Cinco de Mayo Is Not Mexican Independence Day" ››

How Dangerous Is Academic Psychiatry? Ask David Foster Wallace
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"How Dangerous Is Academic Psychiatry? Ask David Foster Wallace" ››

The Near Death Of A Salesman
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"The Near Death Of A Salesman" ››

Hospitals Accused of Patient Dumping To Pay
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"Hospitals Accused of Patient Dumping To Pay" ››

No One Noticed
All Girls School Or Coed? Which Is Better?
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"All Girls School Or Coed? Which Is Better?" ››

Violence Intervention Program
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"Violence Intervention Program" ››

One Should Note...

This Is Why Medical Care Is Expensive
AUSTIN, Texas - Just nine people accounted for nearly 2,700 of the emergency room visits in the Austin area during the past six years at a cost of $3 million to taxpayers and others, according to a report.Activate populist outrage: ready, go!
The average emergency room visit costs $1,000. Hospitals and taxpayers paid the bill through government programs such as Medicare and Medicaid, Kitchen said.
After we get home from setting a few car fires, we can then ask the relevant question: what, exactly, do they mean by "cost?" Do they mean "cost," or do they mean "bill?"
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"This Is Why Medical Care Is Expensive" ››

How To Destroy A Marriage
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"How To Destroy A Marriage" ››

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