Shouting vs. Spanking

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Don Draper Voted "Most Influential Man"

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"Don Draper Voted "Most Influential Man"" ››

Part 2: Why Can't Kids Walk Alone To School
Why Can't Kids Walk Alone To School? Part 1
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"Why Can't Kids Walk Alone To School? Part 1" ››

The Atlantic Recommends Abandoning Marriage Because One Of Its Writers Can't Keep It In Her Pants
Read the article here.
Or, read the article with explanatory notes to the text.

A Surprising Number Of Teens Think They'll Die Young, Or Live Forever, Whichever Comes First
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"A Surprising Number Of Teens Think They'll Die Young, Or Live Forever, Whichever Comes First" ››

It's Either Narcissism Or Dementia
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"It's Either Narcissism Or Dementia" ››

Why Do Politicians Cheat?
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"Why Do Politicians Cheat?" ››

The Near Death Of A Salesman
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"The Near Death Of A Salesman" ››

Reality Responds To The Matrix
And it says, time's up.
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"Reality Responds To The Matrix" ››

Are Schools Breeding Narcissism?
The guitarist for Third Eye Blind was on MTV Cribs, showing off his house. He picks up a guitar and says, "this is my favorite guitar. With this guitar, the songs just write themselves." Yeah, sure. Blame the guitar.
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"Are Schools Breeding Narcissism?" ››

What Was The Matrix?
What are you telling me, that I can dodge bullets?
I'm telling you that when you're ready, you won't have to.
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"What Was The Matrix?" ››

The Action Movie Fairy Tale
The woman asks, why won't my man have sex with me?
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"The Action Movie Fairy Tale" ››

Can Narcissism Be Cured?
God's Cheat Code For Accuracy
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"God's Cheat Code For Accuracy" ››

Can A Patient Postpone Their Own Death?
Heidi's Real Problem On The Hills: She's In The Wrong Movie
They were right.
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"Heidi's Real Problem On The Hills: She's In The Wrong Movie" ››

The Writers of Fool's Gold Get One Thing Right
In an otherwise unwatchable movie, a surprisingly insightful 5 seconds.
Matthew McConaughey plays a sunken treasure hunter and an idiot. The bad guy treasure hunter confronts McConaughey's partner, who is only incidentally in the movie.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't the Ukrainian sidekick."
"I don't tink of myself dat way," says the partner, whose name I don't think we ever learn. "I am dee lead character in my own story."
Right on, man. Right on.

Celebrities and Narcissism
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"Celebrities and Narcissism" ››

Narcissism Up In College Students; The Goal Is To Keep Them In Puberty, Part 3
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"Narcissism Up In College Students; The Goal Is To Keep Them In Puberty, Part 3" ››

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