The Source Of Society's Ills
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"[You, not I, are] killing people on a grand scale"
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Wrong About Obama II
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Healthcare Reform Is About Protecting Monopolies

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"Healthcare Reform Is About Protecting Monopolies" ››

The Fort Hood Shooter: A News Quiz

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"The Fort Hood Shooter: A News Quiz" ››

50% of American Kids Receive Food Stamps
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"50% of American Kids Receive Food Stamps" ››

How Am I Going To Get Paid If It Isn't Autism?
But many children whose symptoms significantly differ from classic autism--who belong only on the milder end of the autism spectrum, if they belong anywhere on the spectrum at all--are inaccurately ending up with serious autism diagnoses.
Wait: it isn't what you think.
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In Honor Of Columbus Day: Christopher Columbus Was Wrong
Is More Regulation Needed?
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This Onion Clip Is Hilarious; Now Let Me Tell You Why It's Scary
"This is our future," wrote the linking email. McLuhan wrote The Medium Is The Message but due to a printing error, it came out Massage. Proving his point.
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Time Magazine Asks Cleveland Clinic What To Do About The Healthcare Crisis

This would be like Jimmy Carter asking Leonid Brezhnev what to do about Soviet military power, which, like this issue, actually happened.
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"Time Magazine Asks Cleveland Clinic What To Do About The Healthcare Crisis" ››

Happy Fourth Of July
Why Do Politicians Cheat?
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Most Common Cause Of Bankruptcy Is Catastrophic Medical Bills
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"Most Common Cause Of Bankruptcy Is Catastrophic Medical Bills" ››

Shhh-- Don't Tell Anyone Cheerios Lowers Cholesterol
Hospitals Accused of Patient Dumping To Pay
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"Hospitals Accused of Patient Dumping To Pay" ››

Violence Intervention Program
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"Violence Intervention Program" ››

One Should Note...

Reality Responds To The Matrix
And it says, time's up.
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"Reality Responds To The Matrix" ››

Chicago Tea Party
It makes a lot of Americans insane that Wall Street execs are paying themselves gazillions in bonuses, even as they demolish their own firms and the financial system. They blame Wall Street for the financial crisis.
Then there are others who have a different explanation.
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