August 2010 Monthly Archive
August 30, 2010
Wasted Billions In Iraq
August 27, 2010
If I've Won Cronkite, I've Won America

PFC Jessica Ogilvy
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August 26, 2010
Love The Way You Lie (With Me)
August 20, 2010
Do Cougars Exist?

she appears to be whatever age that puts her out of reach
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August 19, 2010
Life's Possibilities As Seen By Men And Women

time to change your perspective to include getting more glasses
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"Life's Possibilities As Seen By Men And Women" ››

August 18, 2010
Real Or Fake? (Fake.)
a corollary to Parkinson's Law of Triviality
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"Real Or Fake? (Fake.)" ››

August 16, 2010
The Worst Thing That Can Happen Is You Succeed
a market research firm that should have done a bit more market research
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"The Worst Thing That Can Happen Is You Succeed" ››

August 13, 2010
Why The Latest Season Of Mad Men Blows
August 11, 2010
Narcissism Run Rampant

we'll have the sex so you don't have to
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"Narcissism Run Rampant" ››

August 9, 2010
No One Likes A Sure Thing
August 2, 2010
This Is Why The American Dream Is Out Of Reach
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"This Is Why The American Dream Is Out Of Reach" ››

August 1, 2010
How Do You Lose Weight? Which Diet Is The Best?
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