Finding Existential Solace In A Pink Tied Psycho
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How To Be Mean To Your Kids

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The Terrible, Awful Truth About The Debt Ceiling

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"The Terrible, Awful Truth About The Debt Ceiling" ››

The Terrible, Awful Truth About The Tax Cuts

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"The Terrible, Awful Truth About The Tax Cuts" ››

The Worst Thing That Can Happen Is You Succeed
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"The Worst Thing That Can Happen Is You Succeed" ››

The Other Technical Analysis
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The Dumbest Economic Collapse In History
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Will You Ever Be Happy?
Relative Income Inequality
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The Coming Global Collapse, Sponsored By British Airways
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"The Coming Global Collapse, Sponsored By British Airways" ››

Where Are They Now?
how the mighty have fallen...
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Cinco de Mayo Is Not Mexican Independence Day
In 1861, Mexico ceased making interest payments to its main creditors. In response, in late 1861, France (and other European countries) attacked Mexico to try to force payment of this debt. France decided that it would try to take over and occupy Mexico.
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No One Noticed
Good Game, America
Platinum vs. Gold

You wait a couple months, then you gonna see
You'll never find nobody better than me
In the night I hear them talk- the coldest story ever told
somewhere far along this road he lost his soul
To a woman so heartless
That woman is credit, her power is flattery...

Has Anyone Noticed That Price Of Gold And Platinum Is The Same?
Put another way: you have some gold, and you can trade it in for the same weight in platinum.
I don't know if that's bearish for gold (it goes to $500) or superbullish for platinum (back to $1580) but it is clearly a situation which cannot last. Plan accordingly.
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CNBC Ratings And VIX Predict Rum Sales
(Original idea here.)
Pearson's r = 0.943, that's amazing.
Maybe CNBC viewers are exhausted. But they're checking out, and if Professor Pearson has anything to say about this, VIX has to fall very soon.
FYI, the VIX is at the highest point in 20 years. Remember 800. It is inevitable.
I'll write something funny, maybe about narcissism, for you all on Saturday. You know, to go with the rum.

The Next Step: Suspend The Capital Gains Tax, and The Market
Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures. Move.
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"The Next Step: Suspend The Capital Gains Tax, and The Market" ››

This Shall Pass
If you do not need to sell, don't.
The markets are tanking more than is necessary for even the most severe recession. What makes it scary is that it is happening in days, not months, relentless-- it's happening in internet time.
The S&P500 goes to 800 and Dow to 7500, these are inevitabilities. But you can't trade it because the volatility is too high-- so don't.
Some people need to sell-- especially hedge funds caught the wrong way; or people selling the good stocks to raise money to cover debts, taxes, redemptions, whatever.
If you have cash and can wait for 800 and 7500, then feel free to buy then. Stocks aren't falling, they are being stomped on, compressed. When the real companies rebound, their stocks will likely explode higher, like.. a coiled spring.
Let me quote the late, great, Mitch Hedberg: "I'm tired of following my dreams. I'm just going to figure out where they're going, and hook up with them later."
Don't follow the market. Just meet it at 800.

The World Is At A 52 Week Low, And The Past 10 Years Never Happened
In retrospect all things are obvious, but someone should marvel that today's close is merely 10 points different (lower) than the exact same date 10 years ago.
And you have to ask whether God has built the world as zero sum-- i.e. this is the bottom-- or as a cyclical spiral-- in which case we are destined for 800.
And the rest of the world is no different. Click "Continue" for other charts.
Oh, and pay close attention to that bottom in February 2003, and ask yourself what might have ended such a precipitous fall and coincided with the beginning of the largest bull run in history.
I'm not a tin foil hat nut, but I'll reveal something about myself: for the very first time in my life, I am scared.
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